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10-QuickStep Guideline – How to participate?
- Register via the form.
- Go out side and set up your pitch.
- Start a livestream in the Facebook group. (First put your phone in landscape format, then start the stream)
- Tell who you are and which round you play.
- Start playing. Note down every result of a your throwing round/distance down and show it.
- Finished playing? Show your final result into the livestream.
- End livestream and upload it into the group.
- Upload a picture of your result sheet as comment under your post/stream.
- You have two attempts in the main round.
- Good luck!
Step by Step – Guideline & Detailed Information
The Challenge
The tournament is divided into a main round with two attempts and a final round with one attempt.
In one attempt, each participant plays a maximum of 6 throwing rounds consisting of throws at 5 individual kubbs at staggered distances and a possible bonus round (see gameplay).
In the main round, all participants have two attempts for the above-mentioned maximum of 6 throwing rounds – the overall better attempt counts.
Each attempt should be streamed live separately in a video and documented on the protocol/form.
The best 10 participants from each of the four main categories qualify for the final phase.
Each participant can based on the registration compete with other participants in several different categories:
A – Teams playing as a family. Up to the fourth degree of kinship.
B – Team of friends. Any number of participants under the same team name (average score among all is counted).
C – Women´s Singles. Of all women participating.
D – Male´s Singles. From all men participating.
E – Youth. Best players under the age of 16.
Supplementary categories:
F – Mixed teams (gender).
G – by clubs. With the 3 best individual results from each club with participants of different genders.
H – by country. With the 4 best individual ratings from each country with participants of different genders.
The will be an award for the best 3 in each modalities.
A maximum of 6 throwing rounds consisting of 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 meters plus a possible bonus round at the end are played.
A maximum of 6 throwing sticks on 5 kubbs are available in each throwing round.
If all Kubbs are knocked down in the distance in a round of throwing with the first 5 throwing sticks, the 6th throw to the king on the center line (4 m) is available.
Bonus round: Each king’s throw, hit or not, allows one bonus throw to 8 m at the end of the regular 5 throwing rounds.
The two attempts can take place one after the other or at different times.
Rating / Scoring
The score depends on the distance. Each kubb knocked down scores points based on the number of meters from which it was hit. A knocked down king counts at twice the distance in which distance round it was hit. A hit 8m kubb in the bonus round simply counts as 8 points.
Example 1: Three hits with 6 throws at 6m: 3*6=18
Example 2: Five hits with 6 throws at 7m: 5*7=35
Example 3: Five hits with 5 throws at 7m: 5*7=35
Additional hit with the 6th throw on the king: additional 2*7=14 points
Example 4: Two hits with three throws in the bonus round: 2*8=16
If more than one kubb is knocked down with a throwing stick, only the first one counts. In this case, the other kubbs that are collaterally hit are put back in place immediately after the hit and the game continues.
Documentation via livestream/video
Each attempt should be streamed live and saved separately as a video in the associated Facebook group.
Please, include name, team name and attempt as title of the video. Also, upload your score sheet as comment to your attempt.
Documentation on the form
Each round of throwing is documented in the appropriate box on the form. At the end, upload a photo of the form as a comment under your video on Facebook.
The throwing stick should be thrown under the arm and perpendicular to the ground.
Every throw should be as straight as possible (~0° is vertical). Play fair!
Horizontal rotation of the throwing stick, including helicopter throwing, is not permitted.
Yes, they can rotate perpendicular to the ground like the spokes of a wheel.
The tolerance limit is a deviation of 30° from the vertical. Throws that hit the kubbs at an angle of more than 30° without first touching the ground will not be scored and will not be repeated.
Contact Us
Do you have any questions regarding the ivKubbC?
Don´t hesitate and write us:
info (at) ivkubbc.info

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Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is thought to have.